Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Arrested Again!!!

Earlier this week Lindsay Lohan took to Twitter to voice her outrage at the fact that former child star Amanda Bynes had not been charged for a string of traffic offences while driving under the influence.

Bearing that in mind we bring you news that Lindsay has been arrested in New York for allegedly fleeing the scene of an accident after reportedly clipping a pedestrian with her car.

Lindsay Lohan was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident early this morning after allegedly clipping a pedestrian in downtown Manhattan

Lindsay was pulling in to park her Porsche Cayenne near the Dream Hotel in downtown NYC when  at a very low speed she allegedly hit the knee of a 30-something year old guy. That was around shortly after midnight.

We're told one of Lindsay's passengers in the SUV got out and checked the vehicle for damage, and then LiLo and co. went inside the hotel.

We're told someone called police while Lindsay was inside and when she walked out of the hotel around 2:30AM ET officers arrested her.

As Lindsay was taken into custody she frantically screamed, "Call my dad!  Call my dad!"

According to sources, Lindsay was taken to the station, fingerprinted, photographed and booked for leaving the scene of an accident a misdemeanor and then released with a desk appearance ticket ... meaning she did not have to pay bail before release but will appear in court at a later date.

The pedestrian who she bumped into was hospitalised however is said to have sustained no visible injuries, and before you ask – no, Lindsay wasn’t drunk.

So… given her rant about Amanda Bynes we’re guessing Lindsay is very pleased the police were so swift in their response to the incident. Yup, bet she’s smiling right now.

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