Thursday, September 20, 2012

Justin Bieber Admits He Gets Lonely On Tour

Poor little Justin Bieber the teen pop sensation has admitted that after years of wishing his mum, Pattie, wouldn't cramp his style, now he is on the road alone he misses her.

The 18 year-old singing sensation has a none stop schedule as he tries to please Beliebers all over the world, but it means he gets a little home sick on the way.

He revealed in an interview on ITV's Daybreak: "I do miss her now I'm 18. Before she was around all the time and I would get sick of her and I would look forward to her leaving. I'd be like, 'Yes! Mom's leaving tomorrow!' Now I'm like, 'When's mom coming back?'"
Feeling reflective he added: "It's funny how things change."

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